Powerful and Secure

trace your ancestry, grow your family tree, archive records and much more!

Manage your family’s ancestry and health records

Manage your family’s DNA test reports, family tree, photos and research all from one simple to use online console.

View real-time results for family matches, receive the latest ancestry updates, and participate in the latest DNA news topics. Collaborate with family and receive regular reports on family tree updates.

Build and manage your family tree.

Simple enough for beginners but powerful enough for professionals. Build your family tree from scratch, or upload a GEDCOM file.

Powerful tools for researching your ancestry

We offer an ecosystem of applications that help you to trace your ancestral roots. Just get the DNA test and use your genetic markers to research your ancestry, all with built in integrations to your family network.

Compare your DNA against Indigenous Populations from around the world

Compare your Y-DNA or mtDNA against indigenous populations from around the world to see which populations are the closest match to your DNA type. Dynamic database is uploaded constantly as new indigenous DNA data becomes available.

Search for relatives on your maternal or paternal lines

Search for maternal line relatives using your mtDNA markers and search for paternal line relatives using your Y-DNA STR markers.

Discover your deep ancestral roots

Find out which mtDNA or Y-DNA Haplogroup and Subclade you belong to. Access the latest migration maps and population distributions using a dynamic database which is constantly updated with the latest scientifically published data.

See if you may be related to famous people in history

Compare your mtDNA and Y-DNA against famous people in history, including up to date findings from the latest archaeology studies.

View your DNAAccess test reports.

Receive your genetic reports directly to your account, then access them securely anytime, anywhere. Discretely manage health and ancestry test reports for your entire family.

View your test reports

Receive your genetic reports directly to your account, then access them securely anytime, anywhere. Discretely manage health and ancestry test reports for your entire family.

DNA in the News

Read the latest DNA news topics and access genetic tests for popular topics in health, traits and ancestry.

Secure file sharing

FamilyVault is your place for storing and sharing reports, family photos and family tree data. From simplifying how you manage your family history to empowering families to work together, we help you to work faster and more securely than ever before.

Sign up now. It’s free!